Current Project...tablecloth
The pattern is not online, as far as I know. But if you feel ambitious enough to go alookin' for's the Oval Pineapple Tablecloth from the March-April issue of Annie's Crochet Newsletter. I think I bought this one from a yard sale.

So far, it's the white you see here, but if I run out of that before I finish it, it's going to also be some Bridal Blue I have left over from some curtains I was making a long time ago. I only ever finished one panel, which is currently hanging in my kitchen window---it ended up being just about big enough. I stopped making them in part because I bought the balls at different times, so the color was noticably off. Well, as long as it's not right up against each other, I think it's okay :-)
What's really funny is we just got a new table from a friend whose mother-in-law was getting rid of hers. It's just like the one we do have, only the leaf in the middle is removable---the one we have in the kitchen is glued in---and it's got a nearly matching set of wood chairs, where as we've been using the red chairs we've had since our second kitchen table. :-) Those need work, as there are spots out ofthem. I tried to cover them with contact paper but that's a bit of a disaster. Oh well, I'm going to put them on freecycle for anyone what wants to take them and fix them up :-) Maybe I'll make something nice for the wood chairs too :-)
I also made myself a nice shawl with some Rainbow Boucle. I'll post that :-)
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