Small things can make you happy...
As you may have noticed, we're part of 2 webrings (okay, one I set up, so that might be a cheat, but....). I just got the acceptance for the "outside" one. Nice. :-D
My prefered daily afternoon tv watching is Uncommon Threads and Knitty Gritty (okay, what crocheter/knitter/fiber artist doesn't LOVE those??). Today is a repeat of one I've watched's the beading one. I never really paid much attention to the beginning before this, but I think I'll be trying the cuffs. They look like fun :-) I've sorta tried the I cord---not sure if I was doing it right or what---and I've made a couple bracelets using the spiral technique. Nice ones, like this one:I've also got roughly 3 in the works...ladybugs are a big thing between my mom and my sister and I, and I want to make some in red and black---went and got red and black beads from the local craft store just especially for it---with matching ladybug buttons. I've started one, but I don't like the placing of black beads like I thought I should it gave the effect of having spots. But I don't want to make it just red and black either. I could try the I cord from the same episode again....but each time I've tried to make one of those, it's been really loose :-\ OH well, I'll eventually work them out :-)
Crafting is fun.....