Looking forward to the weekend!
This weekend should be fun and interesting. We're having another get together for WNY_Crocheters. :-) My husband has made a cheesecake. I'm not going to reveal the flavor, as I didn't tell the group whether it's the turtle that was suggested at the last meeting or a plain cheesecake. But I CAN promise that it WILL be good :-D
Hopefully I will have pictures, etc, to share tomorrow night or Sunday.
Meanwhile, this is what I'm working on:
It's the afghan that my mom's roommate liked so much I said I'd give it to her for her Christmas present. I'm calling it a Rosa's Stained Glass Afghan. I'm not sure if it's got the stained glass effect though---it's more because of the different colors and the black in between.
I've yet to make the Daisy Square for the get together. I've also got to pick out what yarn I don't want for the swap. Oh gees, do I have work to do tonight! Well, I might just wait until tomorrow for the square---but I have to figure out what yarn I don't want tonight. Not easy, believe me!!! I always manage to find SOMETHING to do with my yarn, LOL!!!