AngelGal's Crochet Antics

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Don't worry...

DUDE! I'm still around! :-) I've been busy with all sorts of things.

Actually, if you have checked in recently, and if you take a good look around, I've been playing around with this page a lot :-) I want to get a plugboard in here too like I've got over on my main blog, but I don't know if I can get another one or not.

Currently I'm working on:

Mom's roses for the people at dialysis (10 with the middle and leaves made, 3 of those put together, 15 more to make the components of, materials I don't have need to be bought too)
Dad's scarf (waiting until I'm done with the roses)
Rosa's afghan (waiting until I'm done with the other two. It really won't take long to finish them.)

On deck:

Sweaters to donate for church
Cindy's afghan (gotta get the yarn for this)
D's Christmas shawl (got the yarn, just got to pick a pattern)

I've finished one installment of the sweaters for church. Here they are:

There are 2 crocheted ones which you probably can't see, plus the 2 knitted ones which are the pink one and the white one. Don't they look nice though? I'm going to use the same color yarn I used for the crocheted ones because I have a HUGE ball of it. I'll probably start that after Christmas.

I don't think I'm going to do snowflakes this year. I've got so many other things. If I get a chance I will though.