Back somewhat
I'm back, somewhat. We're using a much slower computer than what I'm used to, but at least I can see my email and my blogs.
I'm also now a part of the Ripple Along blog, whose button is featured at the right :-)
I'm back, somewhat. We're using a much slower computer than what I'm used to, but at least I can see my email and my blogs.
I'm also now a part of the Ripple Along blog, whose button is featured at the right :-)
This weekend should be fun and interesting. We're having another get together for WNY_Crocheters. :-) My husband has made a cheesecake. I'm not going to reveal the flavor, as I didn't tell the group whether it's the turtle that was suggested at the last meeting or a plain cheesecake. But I CAN promise that it WILL be good :-D
Hopefully I will have pictures, etc, to share tomorrow night or Sunday.
Meanwhile, this is what I'm working on:
It's the afghan that my mom's roommate liked so much I said I'd give it to her for her Christmas present. I'm calling it a Rosa's Stained Glass Afghan. I'm not sure if it's got the stained glass effect though---it's more because of the different colors and the black in between.
I've yet to make the Daisy Square for the get together. I've also got to pick out what yarn I don't want for the swap. Oh gees, do I have work to do tonight! Well, I might just wait until tomorrow for the square---but I have to figure out what yarn I don't want tonight. Not easy, believe me!!! I always manage to find SOMETHING to do with my yarn, LOL!!!
As you may have noticed, we're part of 2 webrings (okay, one I set up, so that might be a cheat, but....). I just got the acceptance for the "outside" one. Nice. :-D
My prefered daily afternoon tv watching is Uncommon Threads and Knitty Gritty (okay, what crocheter/knitter/fiber artist doesn't LOVE those??). Today is a repeat of one I've watched's the beading one. I never really paid much attention to the beginning before this, but I think I'll be trying the cuffs. They look like fun :-) I've sorta tried the I cord---not sure if I was doing it right or what---and I've made a couple bracelets using the spiral technique. Nice ones, like this one:I've also got roughly 3 in the works...ladybugs are a big thing between my mom and my sister and I, and I want to make some in red and black---went and got red and black beads from the local craft store just especially for it---with matching ladybug buttons. I've started one, but I don't like the placing of black beads like I thought I should it gave the effect of having spots. But I don't want to make it just red and black either. I could try the I cord from the same episode again....but each time I've tried to make one of those, it's been really loose :-\ OH well, I'll eventually work them out :-)
Crafting is fun.....
Something I forgot to mention earlier---I made that modification to the shell/shawl I made. I put some buttons on it! It looks pretty good, though I don't think it hangs as well as it could with all 4 buttons closed---or just 3. :-\ I really really like how it turned out. Very regal, if you ask me!
I'm also putting as many pictures as I can find in my little flickr badge down there. So, keep on eye on that! LOL!!! I'm not done yet!! I'm also going to TAKE and upload as many pictures as I can, because I love the rotation feature in the badge! I've got scarves I can take pictures of, socks, that nice yo-yo baby afghan that my husband and I sorta collaborated on! :-)
This is one of my big passions, can you tell?? :-)
It's been a while since I posted HERE, but that's only because I've been busy with so many other things, posting elsewhere, but not because I haven't been crocheting. :-D
I've made a decision about the tablecloth dilemma. While I do like the one pineapple pattern, I don't want to make it anymore. I literally woke up one morning (I can tell just what morning too, because it was the day the crochet group got together up in Buffalo), and decided that instead of the pineapple tablecloth I'm going to use my other crochet talents and make it a yo-yo tablecloth. So, that's what I'll do! :-)
I've completed other projects. There's the afghan for our group member who got married in August, which was part of the reason for the get together, and a corner start that's going to be going to someone where my mom is. I'm also making 2 ripple afghans:
This one, which is a modification of #2 in Leisure Art's little books Beginner's Guide to Ripple Afghans to Crochet (my favorite pattern in that book). It's for someone where mom is, and she said as few holes as possible. I've just got the ones for the points on the top points, not the ones in the pattern (for those of you able to follow along :-))And a repeat of one I made previously, a baby ripple afghan. It's actually my favorite baby ripple pattern out of Leisure Arts little books Beginner's Guide Ripples for Baby to Crochet (if you notice a theme of a kind here, I wouldn't be surprised! I do like ripples ya know, I just haven't done them often!!!), though it's got a couple painful memories added to it (namely it was the pattern I used for all my ex best friend's kids' afghans. But I still love it!!!).
Crudy picture with flash:
Detailed pictures without flash (sorry if they are a little dark, I didn't like how you can't see the detail on the flash pic one because of all the flash!!!):And the whole reason why I like this pattern so much---you've noticed the popcorn/bobbles/whatever they're called (clusters in the pattern, but....they don't act like "normal" clusters.). I like it because to make it stand out, I stick my thumb in the cluster once I've closed it. :-D I never use the weight yarn it calls for with this afghan...I always use worsted (it calls for sport), and an H hook (it calls for a G :-) Maybe I have use G's in previous ones....way back when I was making it for you know who's kids...but H has always been my main size anyhow! :-)). Sorry, I know it's a bit fuzzy:
Well, being a mommy, I've got other stuff to do. Like a 2 year old to get out of trouble! And the hurricane he is to pick up after! LOL!!!